IDS GmbH – Analysis and Reporting Services (IDS) from Munich, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz SE – offers managed services for data management, risk controlling, performance analysis and capital investment reporting. As a provider for all batch sizes, IDS creates customised analyses and reports from a single source. Asset managers, institutional investors and custodian banks benefit from the trusting cooperative relationship they maintain with an international and long-term stable partner.
Support with developing a central market data system Meta-Level has been working for IDS in various fields since the year 2000. After initially focusing on document and data management based on a framework developed by Meta-Level and on developing individual modules in complex Oracle systems, Meta-Level is now supporting IDS with introducing a central market data system within the Allianz Group. The task here involves pooling the existing systems that Investment Data Services (IDS), Deutsche Investment Trust (dit) and Commerzbank’s fund business (COMINVEST) operated and integrating them into a new system. This initially means regularly transferring and consolidating raw data from external data sources. The data pooled in this way is made available to the users over interfaces (ad-hoc using Excel, programming API) and evaluated with various reports and key figures.
Expertise and technologies